The Women’s Ministry works to equip the women of New Life to reach out to unchurched and unconnected women in authentic, loving relationships and to assist them in becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

The  Women's Ministry attempts to minister to every woman according to her need and to help each woman find her personal place of ministry.  Women of faith bind together in prayer, support and dedication to spreading the love of the Lord.  The Women’s Ministry participates in evangelism, outreach and missions. The Women’s Ministry meets regularly for Bible Study groups, prayer, and various church related activities.  Please contact the office for more information.

"The Women's Ministry is a fellowship where women can grow in the knowledge, understanding, and application of God's Word...  A place where women can be strengthened and uplifted and learn from one another."

Learn about Women of the Bible through daily devotions. Click here  for more

information and today's devotion.








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